Saturday, January 5, 2008

Clean Your ROOM!

So my wonderful mom has been bugging me to clean my room for a while now, and today was the day I tackled the bomb. I finish the task with flying colors and my room is very clean and beautiful. I love clean rooms, but it is very hard for me to keep it clean.
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Macks and Knickknacks said...

Ha HA!! That is funny! I used to have a hard time keeping my room clean too. And you've seen my house when I stop cleaning up after John and myself for a few days! The good thing is, I know that someday you'll make an amazing wife for your future husband. (Even if he has to remind you to keep the house clean!) I'll e-mail you!

Amber Joy said...

you have to show me a better picture of the paint job. It's about time you cleaned that place, is that still the same mess from when WE were there?! :P