Sunday, January 27, 2008

I like her.

I'm sure some of you already know who this is but maybe not. Colbie Caillat, the writer and singer of the new famous song Bubbly. OK you might say, you don't like her cause everybody likes her, but her music makes me feel good inside. Seriously, I don't want to sound like anybody else like "Oh my gosh I so love her, she great!" NO! I really think her music changes your attitude, and I love the mood it puts, me in. And again I am not just the band wagon. She isn't like everybody else's music today. She is a breath of fresh air from someone who isn't Christan, writing about good things. Not gross and stupid things some of the new non-Christan artists are coming out with. Don't get me wrong. I loooovvveee Christan music that is about all I ever listen to. (besides Disney songs, they are so fun) But to see a nice change is great and I respect her for that.
You can check out her music at her website. Just listen to one song, please.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Baby Scare

She loved playing with oxygen.
Such a cute nightgown.

Hey, so thanks for all the great comments, they make me excited to keep blogging. Anyway while we were at Basecamp, my niece Emily kept getting sicker and sicker the kind of cold were you can't breath. But this wasn't just any cold, it was so bad that by the end of Saturday night, her eyes were rolling back in her head and she sounded like a broken squeaky toy, every time she took a breath. It was so sad. So we called the ambulance. She was brought back to Great Falls Hospital and they gave her breathing treatments. A couple days went by and she didn't get a lot better. So they took her back in for another breathing treatment. She came home and it only got worse. So they took her in for the third time,(3rd time is a charm) after 4 hours she got admitted to a room. Through it all we knew she was in God's hands, and now she doing a lot better.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Basecamp '08

So last week was finals and I did OK, but then on Friday we all left for Basecamp. Which is our churches winter retreat. So here are some fun pictures besides the fact for my stinky camera. On the ride there!
Two beautiful ladies. Tabitha & Kelly
Silly times.
2 cuties.
The fun whipped cream game.
This retreat was up in Lincoln, Mt. and it was so bitter cold we were always by the fire. It was so fun and relaxing to be away were your are surrounded by fiends and trees. I loved it! we played many games and football in the snow. Plus a relay race which we won in. It contained eating melted ice cream by passing the spoon between team members Yulch! and bear crawling through 3ft of snow, etc; Anyway God was there too, he changed and touched many peoples lives, and the speaker taught us all how to forgive. The whole weekend was a blast.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Sydney, Kaylee, And Me
Friends are a great thing. They shower you with love and I love them for it. These are two of my many friends, who will have their time on the best blog ever, when the time comes.(there you go, I didn't even make you admit it either) Just joking! ha ha! Anyway I love these two girls because they always make me feel beautiful and special. You know high school you rarely ever get told your looking nice today, and if you are told that it usually brightens your whole day. So here are just a few of all my wonderful friends.

Monday, January 7, 2008

The BEST Buy!

Isn't this star beautiful, It was sent from God. Like a shinning beacon of beauty still left in an home decor store. No offense to all the lovely mothers and beautiful women who love home decor stores, but sometimes they're a little exhausting And I'm not sure if the reason of the feelings is I always go at the end of the shopping trip so by then I'm very tired or if the reason is it makes me dream for the house I'll have someday. (which makes me all to excited) Anyway back to the sending from God part. It really was. As I was checking out, some lady came up to me (as I was holding this star) and said, "Where did you find that! I was looking all around for it!" And at this point I wasn't sure to smile and say something in response or be offended. It was very very very cheap and I fell so in love with it I took it as fast as I could. For if I hadn't taken it at that moment, that women would of gotten it, then it wouldn't be so lucky to grace my walls. So there you see God was just as excited as I was and told me to get it. Oh how I love him. (and you might not be able to see it but it is sparkly)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Food! Yummmm....

Family and Friends eating... yummm...
Say cheese!
Ok! so I officially don't like my camera, isn't the pictures blurry, well I'm sorry and maybe someday I get a new one. So here we all are, at the new restaurant in town. Boston's Pizza, it is so good and it makes me excited of the new additions to Great Falls. We're also getting a Chilies and Macaroni Grill. but this was fun besides the part that we went at 1:00 pm and didn't get out of there until 4:00. But I guess the food made up for it. anyway I love my friends and family.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Clean Your ROOM!

So my wonderful mom has been bugging me to clean my room for a while now, and today was the day I tackled the bomb. I finish the task with flying colors and my room is very clean and beautiful. I love clean rooms, but it is very hard for me to keep it clean.
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