Monday, January 7, 2008

The BEST Buy!

Isn't this star beautiful, It was sent from God. Like a shinning beacon of beauty still left in an home decor store. No offense to all the lovely mothers and beautiful women who love home decor stores, but sometimes they're a little exhausting And I'm not sure if the reason of the feelings is I always go at the end of the shopping trip so by then I'm very tired or if the reason is it makes me dream for the house I'll have someday. (which makes me all to excited) Anyway back to the sending from God part. It really was. As I was checking out, some lady came up to me (as I was holding this star) and said, "Where did you find that! I was looking all around for it!" And at this point I wasn't sure to smile and say something in response or be offended. It was very very very cheap and I fell so in love with it I took it as fast as I could. For if I hadn't taken it at that moment, that women would of gotten it, then it wouldn't be so lucky to grace my walls. So there you see God was just as excited as I was and told me to get it. Oh how I love him. (and you might not be able to see it but it is sparkly)


Amber Joy said...

You are so cute, how you tell things makes me smile. I love the star, and you had better hide it from mommy!

Macks and Knickknacks said...

If it's open, you and Mom are going to have to take me shopping at that store. It's a thrill to shop for things that people want to steal right out of you hands! You are fun!

Macks and Knickknacks said...

I love you, cutie pie! I hope everything is going great at school!