Saturday, January 26, 2008

Baby Scare

She loved playing with oxygen.
Such a cute nightgown.

Hey, so thanks for all the great comments, they make me excited to keep blogging. Anyway while we were at Basecamp, my niece Emily kept getting sicker and sicker the kind of cold were you can't breath. But this wasn't just any cold, it was so bad that by the end of Saturday night, her eyes were rolling back in her head and she sounded like a broken squeaky toy, every time she took a breath. It was so sad. So we called the ambulance. She was brought back to Great Falls Hospital and they gave her breathing treatments. A couple days went by and she didn't get a lot better. So they took her back in for another breathing treatment. She came home and it only got worse. So they took her in for the third time,(3rd time is a charm) after 4 hours she got admitted to a room. Through it all we knew she was in God's hands, and now she doing a lot better.


Amber Joy said...

I can't believe you called her a broken squeaky toy! I can't believe it.

Macks and Knickknacks said...

You are a good Auntie! Thanks for helping out when times get tough. I know you'll be there for me and John when we have kids. I Love You!