Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Make up and Work out!

Ok so I had a great day today, I feel refreshed and new and can't wait to do it again. My friend Makayla and I went to the Gym. This gym wasn't the nicest thing but it was at the same time. It is funny because it is the same place my sister had her wedding reception. We worked out and me and her are going to build our arms, legs and abs. I can already feel the results, plus this gym only cost $20 dollars a month. After that I was so pumped to be healthy and working out I did palates and even pledged to do sit ups and curls every day. Anyway while we were there my wonderful Mary Kay consultant came and dropped off the make up I ordered. And I went home and exfoliated my face. By the way, Strawberries help whiten your teeth. (antioxidants)

And here's a cool health tip: Every 10 years a women loses 10 pounds of muscle and gains 15 lbs
of fat, so keep building that steel.


Amber Joy said...

you simply crack me up. you do! it's just the way it is

Macks and Knickknacks said...

Good for you! Even though yo have a nice metabolism, it doesn't mean you shouldn't get regular exersize to stay healthy and energized! Let's do pilates together.

Ali Brown said...

that's awesome!!! Since I've been homebound in the evenings Monday through Friday I have been making use of my treadmill and workin' out too. Yay for us!