Monday, March 17, 2008

Dying of Fun!

Tabitha, Me, Tara, Amy, & Shea

So, me and my friend Tabitha have a small group, you know where a group of people get together to talk about God. But ours is better than most because, our is full of beautiful high school ladies. All of them are such a blessing, and I love them. Anyway, before we met on Saturday we first went to breakfast. Then those wonderfully smart girls had an idea to dye our hair. All five of the girls were in one bathroom, and all dyeing hair at once. Not that they weren't all gorgeous before, the new dews just added.


Amber Joy said...

I want to be your friend! You're awesome!

Licya_bug said...

thats cute lol you told me about this FUN FUN FUN♥

Macks and Knickknacks said...

So do you all have the same hair color or different? You are cute and I miss hanging out with you.

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