Friday, February 29, 2008


Homework is so uggghhhhhh! It seems like I can never get caught up with anything, and like I never relax. But it is a Friday night and I'm here at home doing homework. Do you know why? Because I have a HUGE project due on Wednesday. We have had 3 months to do it. Now I haven't been procrastinating, it just hasn't been on the top of my list to do. Anyway it is like a science fair but only for history. And my group picked the topic, Vietnam War protest songs. So we are going to dress up like hippies and tie die shirts. I'm pretty excited. Although I am a perfectionist so I am doing almost everything in our group. But I better get going.


Amber Joy said...

umm, let me check.......yep! That would be called procrastinating.

Amber Joy said...

oh, wait.....nope, It's STILL called procrastinating.

Amber Joy said...

oh, wait.....nope, It's STILL called procrastinating.