Thursday, June 4, 2009

Living MY Life.

So, summer is finally here!!!! Now I don't know how long it will stay, cause we all know Montana weather, and when it wants to BLESS us with snow in June! And if you don't I feel sorry for you, cause I don't care what anyone else says Montana is beautiful. It never stops showing me how mighty God is, and how glorious everything he created is. Anyway life as I said before never stops and I feel as if I starting to catch up with it, and not trying to chase it. Which is exciting!! Tomorrow is our last day of school (Yippie) and oh how I can not wait... Fuego, camping, birthday, California, Fort Benton, are all the amazing things I'm looking forward to! Not to mention the floating trips, volleyball, picnics, sun!, swimming, the river, and friends. All the blessings that God pours on me everyday!!

The summer is also a needed time to be with the people who love you 24/7! It really is the time for me to get filled, and spend time with God. To get all the love, mercy, grace, and wonderful wisdom of God, to pour out next year!! You really get equipped with tools needed to defeat the enemy and claim victory in kids heart next year!! I LOVE THE SUMMER:)

1 comment:

Macks and Knickknacks said...

You certainly are a summer baby! But so am I even though I was born in October! I like living with you!